A bit about the Android version of 1.5 and the plan to roll it out. Here’s the TLDR version if you don’t feel like watching:
- Android builds of BombSquad 1.5 are now available.
- You can grab generic Android test builds from the standard place: https://files.ballistica.net/bombsquad/builds/
- You can get 1.5 builds on Google Play by opting in to the open testing group.
- I’ll slowly roll out the 1.5 update to everyone running 1.4 over the coming days/weeks depending on how testing goes.
- If you are running lots of 1.4 mods you may want to explicitly stop BombSquad from auto-updating to 1.5 until your mods have been ported.
- If you are testing 1.5, please report any bugs or behavior that is different from 1.4 to the ballistica issues section.
Eric I’m testing 1.5.11 rn for others and soon can I test 2.0
Eric you have to fix an error in the bombsquad in which in multiplayer mode like: the ping of the player is low and the players are delayed in the game
I wanted the server to run on termux or create a server app will be nice for Android and iOS players
When are you going to add some special items or events?
yes android
Esse jogo era incrível,melhor jogo mobile sem duvidas,porem os desenvolvedores parece que o abandonaram,eu to tendo que desinstalar e reinstalar todo santo dia,porque o jogo fica se reiniciando e eu perdendo meus mods de personagens etc,o jogo ta fazendo isso tanto que eu resolvi desistir de tudo,eu sei que nenhum desenvolvedor vai ler,porque provavelmente abandonaram o jogo.
Parabéns por estragarem o melhor jogo mobile!
Se você tivesse conhecimento em áreas técnicas do jogo (scripts e tals), você entenderia o que ele ta fazendo…. Ele trabalhou na atualização 1.5 faz 2 / 3 anos. Enquanto muitos pensavam que ele tinha abandonado, ele estava trabalhando, tanto que ele até avisou que teria de deixar o jogo “descansando” um pouco até ele conseguir terminar a 1.5. A 1.5 vai preparar o jogo para o futuro, pois a estrutura interna do jogo é muito poluída e mal organizada. Ele planeja (e vai fazer isso) melhorar os problemas gerais de servidor, trazer o jogo para novas plataformas e finalmente trazer novidades, mas ele não vai poder fazer isso sem realmente corrigir o que tiver que ser corrigido. Eu nem se quer sou um “Modder”, sou apenas um jogador que entendo o que o cara ta tentando fazer, e melhor que você procure entender também antes de vir no proprio site do criador falando que ele abandonou o jogo.
When will you be releasing this game on iphone? I have really been wanting to play but cant.
Hi, Eric!
I just wanted to thank you for creating suck an awesome and memorable game. The first time I played this game it was about 8 years ago.(When Kronk and Zoo and Mel and a few others were available to use for everyone without tickets if I’m right) and even though I had gotten bored of the game after playing it for about a month or two every year, it’s the only game that when I’m feeling down or when I get bored of every other game I own, I open it, call my friends, and have lots of fun and enjoy my time playing your game with them. BombSquad will always stay in my mind and I will always come back to it, I’m exited to see ballistica becoming a thing and I can’t wait for bs 2.0. even if I leave this world and end up in a world where video games are illegal and crazy rainbow Spazes with god mode kill whoever plays video games, I will find a way to play BombSquad without turning into shish kebab. Anyways, I wanted to thank you for creating such a masterpiece, I will always keep it with me.